Golden Key had the honour of collaborating with the IndoJCUS for our most recent Indonesia Culture Appreciation Programme. The 2 days event aimed to inculcate a sense of appreciation for the Indonesia culture to over 40 primary school children at the Hougang Sheng Hong Student Care Centre.

36 volunteers made up of GK, IndoJCUS and JCUS students, were first introduced to the children on the 27th November 2014.  The children filed out excitedly to the nearest void deck where the ice-breakers games were conducted. With everyone so hyped up after the session, the children channelled their enthusiasm into learning Indonesian songs once back at the centre.  Led by Aditya, our General Committee Member, the children belted out the newly learned songs with simple dance movements.

Next, the children were treated to a sock puppet show titled Malin Kudang, a famous Indonesian moral story. The children listened and watched attentively and some received prizes we given out for correctly identifying the moral of the story. The children ended the day with a traditional Wayang Kulit arts and craft activity and bade goodbye to the volunteers.

The second day saw the children interacting with a new set of volunteers but again the children were quick to familiarise themselves. Cultural games and more cultural games were lined up for the children for the first half of the programme. It was heart warming to see the children exhibiting team spirit in the games whilst screaming in excitement and cheering their team mates on. As a finale, the children were put in-charge and had to come up with a short performance to showcase their newly acquired knowledge about the Indonesian Culture. It was definitely no easy feat but they pulled off their performance with such zeal and enthusiasm. Alas, all the fun had to come to an end and the volunteers reluctantly parted with the children.

The programme though short, turned out to be a very successful, fulfilling and memorable event for all.  The organising committee were honoured to be presented with a handmade Thank-you card and a framed craft work by the centre. The children left deep impressions on our volunteers who expressed their desire of wanting to return for future events with the children. We would like to take this opportunity to show our deepest appreciation and gratitude for the president of IndoJCU, Anthony Olaf, and his club members as well as every single volunteer who has worked so hard in making this programme a huge success.